There can no longer be any ambiguity about the challenges that lie ahead of us. The science is clear and largely unforgiving. The planet is distressed and globally warming. Business as usual is out of the question. Business as usual is how we got here.
At &CIRCUS, we take sustainability seriously. That's why we have engaged a special team to carve out and map our sustainability goals and bring a crucial element of accountability to all that we consume and produce.

We measured the impact of our underwear on the planet for FY22-23. Our measurement includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions which begin from land use for raw materials and includes impact from every step in the supply chain ending with the footprint of our deliveries.

The data we collected is comprehensively cradle to grave, that is, from the time we began the manufacturing process to the point it is used and discarded by the consumer and arrives at a landfill. Parallelly, we mapped out our water resource inputs including consumer usage for
washes and the total water impact of our garments. Our aim here is to reduce our emissions by 10% YoY closing the loop before 2030.
*could reach 2 kgCo2e if electricity usage to make the fabric (Palava) & printing process is included.

One of the most pressing areas of global attention is water pollution with more than 20% being directly attributed to the Textile industry.
You can read more about our dyeing processes on our Fabric page but that is only part of the solution. Our water audit has taken into account every single point of consumption, from manufacturing to each wash that would go into the lifetime of each of our underwear,
for each customer.
One of the most pressing areas of global attention is water pollution with more than 20% being directly attributed to the Textile industry.
You can read more about our dyeing processes on our Fabric page but that is only part of the solution. Our water audit has taken into account every single point of consumption, from manufacturing to each wash that would go into the lifetime of each of our underwear, for each customer.
This is not a battle to be waged alone. Each of partners, including our vendors have voluntarily shared data at an unprecendented level which will set a benchmark not just for Tirupur - the manufacturing hub our factory operates out of, but also for Textile as an industry in the country.

The textile industry is at the very top when it comes to pollutants but the impact is significantly higher for specific fabrics.
Here is a quick snapshot of how the fabrics we use compare against other traditional fibres.

Our sustainability goals are not passive. It's not just about what you save on impact by wearing our products. That could never be enough. Instead, we have a fleshed out a 10 Year plan that will not only allow us to define the standard for sustianability in the industry, but also allows us to be part of a long term solution that changes the way clothing is made and sold forever.
Reuse & Repurpose the fabric waste as toys & accessories to reduce the waste by 40%.
Working towards developing and bringing sustainable alternatives for our accessories used with our products.
We're moving towards a plastic-free parcel, we've replaced some elements with sustainable alternatives, and will be replacing more.
Take back program for old/ discarded undergarments for proper disposal and recycling
We understand why there can be nothing behind the veil. That's why we are aiming for 100% transparency in each of our functions. Our sourcing, our pricing and our financing. You can read PHASE 1 of our Sustainability Report for 22-23 here. It is a more detailed, and thorough look complete with all relevant numerical data that you can also download for free.