Role of the Fashion Industry in Shaping Body Image

From the glittery runways of Milan to the glossy covers of elite fashion magazines, the industry has determined...
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The Different Types of Intimacy: More than Just Physical Connection

When people hear "intimacy," their thoughts often leap to the physical or sexual. But intimacy goes way beyond...
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Body Dysmorphia and Body Positivity: Navigating the Tension Between Acceptance and Change

In our era, where social media and visual representation often dominate our perception of beauty, it becomes imperative...
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Redefining Beauty: Challenging Social Constructs for Body Positivity

In a world where the media bombards us with airbrushed images of "perfect" bodies, it's no wonder that...
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What Does a Matching Pair Say About Your Relationship?

Couples worldwide have been exploring creative ways to express their love and connection. The matching pair, aka twinning,...
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Picture Perfect Pressure: How Social Media Alters Our Perception of Body Image and Impacts Mental Health

Social media has been an influential force shaping our world, with its imprint stretching across multi-facets of lifestyle...
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The Power of Technology: Facilitating Long Distance Relationships

In our fast-paced, globalised world, lifestyle dynamics are continuously evolving. People are exploring new career opportunities, pursuing higher...
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